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Viewing other properties to buy after offer on a house I want to buy has been accepted STC?

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This question comes up a-lot. You have been viewing properties for a while, you find a house or flat that you like and you put in an offer and the offer is accepted. However, a property has just come on the market that you like more! or at least you think you like more and… Read More »Viewing other properties to buy after offer on a house I want to buy has been accepted STC?

Layout perspectives in Gutenberg. Keeping it simple

The algorithm is used by health care providers to screen patients for “high-risk care management” intervention. Under this system, patients who have especially complex medical needs are automatically flagged by the algorithm. Once selected, they may receive additional care resources, like more attention from doctors. As the researchers note, the system is widely used around… Read More »Layout perspectives in Gutenberg. Keeping it simple